Friday, May 8, 2015

Letting Go

I have a hard time letting go. I've never been able to brush things off and move on. Sometimes this is good, but many times I hold onto things that I shouldn't. Being unwilling to let go of things that have caused us pain or heartache, or that aren't good for us, makes it harder to be happy, to heal, and to forgive.

Too often we remember hurtful words, painful mistakes, or bad relationships, and we are the only thing preventing ourselves from moving on. This is something that I'm still working on.

Letting go requires faith that whatever God has brought into your life is going to ultimately, be for your greatest good. Letting go means trusting Him, and trusting our own potential and right to be happy, strong, and whole.

Holding onto pain builds walls, creates barriers, and makes us fearful and less able to trust. A crucial part of letting go is being able to forgive ourselves.

But how can we let things go? I'm still trying to find the answer to this. I know that I can't do it alone. I know that with help from God, we can put down the things that we are holding onto that cause us pain, and be ready to turn the page and move forward to something better.

Letting go leads to freedom and happiness. My challenge this week is to think of a burden you've been carrying, and strive to find a way to let go of it, even for a little while.You deserve to be happy, enjoy life, and be able to see the beauty in yourself and in everything, without holding onto things that are bringing you down or causing you pain.