Thursday, April 23, 2015

Seeing the Best in Others

Seeing the best in other people is sometimes perceived as a weakness. People think that it means you are easily taken advantage of, that you are naive, or that you are in denial. I don't agree with any of that.

Seeing the best in others is how I believe God sees us. He knows us perfectly, including all of our weaknesses, faults, and mistakes, and yet He loves us perfectly, too.

Seeing the best in others doesn't mean ignoring people's weaknesses, it means that their potential overshadows their weaknesses. It doesn't mean that you let them take advantage of you. In fact seeing the best in others and giving people the benefit of the doubt can help you find peace. Seeing the best in others doesn't mean you have to stay in a dangerous or abusive relationship.

I haven't always tried to see the best in others. It was something that I had to learn on my mission. The judgmental voice in my head had to be silenced with love. Sometimes, this quality has led to me getting hurt, but it has never led to regrets, and heartbreak is easier to overcome than regret.

I choose to believe there is good and beauty in everyone. I choose to believe that everyone has potential and worth, and treat them that way. I choose to give people the benefit of the doubt, and to be accepting, loving, and non-judgmental, even if I don't condone or agree with their lifestyles, choices, or opinions. We can still love them, and treat them as children of God.

I also choose to see the best in myself. I hope to always be generous with others and with myself, because I really think that most of us are trying the best we can. We are all struggling with different trials and different baggage. I hope we can all be a little more forgiving, and look for the good in ourselves and those around us.

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