Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Blooming Again After Being Uprooted

For the first time in weeks, I felt like I could write again. I felt that I had important things to convey. Personal trials, as well as a bout of depression have been consuming my life. I'm so grateful that God has given me my inspiration back! I truly feel that this blog is something He wants me to do--to share the path I'm on in finding my inner strength, beauty, purpose, and confidence, and hopefully helping others to do the same.

I've been thinking about a lot lately . . . strength through hardship, healing of broken hearts, and the ups and downs we all inevitably experience in this life. Something has occurred to me: we have to strive to bloom where we are planted, even after being uprooted.

How life feels most of the time. 

 I've felt uprooted a lot in the last few years. I've moved six times since I returned home from my full-time mission in October 2012. Not only have I felt uprooted physically, but also emotionally. My so-called "life plan" has altered in as many times, and I've struggled to adjust. I've had times feeling lost, alone, bitter, afraid, and indifferent (which is perhaps the worst of all). I struggle with depression, and sometimes it feels just too hard to even get out of bed in the morning.

It is only through prayer, as well as support and love from friends and family, that I have been able to pick myself up after times of uprooting. It is through remembering the times in the past where I've overcome difficulties, and felt the support of God as I faced monumental trials, and came off conqueror through Him who gives me strength. 

No matter how barren life seems, or how alone, lost, broken, or sorrowful you may feel, or how inadequate to conquer trials you are facing, you can find inner strength. It isn't easy, and it never will be. But that's life, and when we stand strong through trials, or even when we fall and then pick ourselves up again, we get stronger and stronger.

You can know, with confidence, that you are a beloved child of God, and that He created you to succeed. You are beautiful and powerful and were created with a purpose, and the storm will pass. Don't allow your own fears and doubts to keep you from living your life, climbing your mountains, and sharing your beauty with the world.

1 comment:

  1. Beth, you are becoming more radiant and full of light each day! The refiner's fire can truly burn off the dross and make us brighter. Thank you for your good words they helped me today!
