Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Faith Through the Twists and Turns

First, I want to say thank you to all those who have encouraged me to start writing again. I appreciate every single person who takes the time to read my blog, and I am so grateful that some of the things I have to say resonate with many.

Something that I've noticed about life is that things don't always go as we plan. In my life, things have rarely if ever gone as I have planned. In fact, most of the time, life feels like that time as a kid when you were trying to build a block tower, and some other kid kept running over and knocking it down.

When this happens, particularly if it was something we really wanted that fell through, the temptation comes to blame God. In the not-so-distant past, I've felt very angry at God for not giving me what I wanted. For many months, this pride and hurt I felt created a barrier that kept me from fully communicating with Him, or allowing myself to feel His love, or have faith in the future, or in His plans for me.

It took a long time, and lots of tears, until I finally have found peace in the absolute knowledge that the Lord loves me. Although I have just as many missing puzzle pieces in my life plan, and no clear big picture or even five year plan to speak of, the knowledge of his love and my worth puts everything into perspective. It is okay to not know everything. It is okay for things to go differently than we plan. Sometimes, we only know one step at a time. I believe that when we trust in the Lord, things turn out better than we could ever plan for ourselves. We grow stronger as we walk by faith.

 I believe that we all have a special purpose and mission to accomplish in life. I believe that we can trust in God's plan for us. As we try to seek Him, and move forward with faith, we can trust that the turns and bumps in the road are shaping us into exactly who He needs us to be. We are all important to Him. We have so much to give and do and be. I hope that in the future I can spend less time asking "why?" and more time asking "what can I learn?" 

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