Tuesday, February 24, 2015

You Can Do It

Confession: As much as I like to fancy myself Wonder Woman, the last two months of my life have been really hard. I've been dealing with a difficult breakup, a major move, a new school, and a plethora of other personal trials I won't get into. This morning while walking to work, I was thinking about what I wanted to write about in my blog, and the only feeling I could muster was discouragement. I was tired, stressed, hungry, sad, and unmotivated.

As I was walking, temporarily allowing self-pity to wash over me, I forced myself to stop, and tried to think as many positive thoughts as I could muster. Realizing that probably everyone is going through their own personal struggles and trials, I decided to share the thoughts that I used to push away self-negativity and discouragement.

Beth's Inner Monologue of Positivity

Stop it. You can do hard things. Look at how much you have accomplished! Look where you are, and where you are going. Think of how many people love you, and how many people you have helped and impacted. Think of the difficult things you have already gone through, and conquered successfully. You can do anything you set your mind to. You can overcome any difficulty you encounter.

You are strong, beautiful, capable, and blessed. You can get through this, and you will be stronger than ever. No challenge is too great for you, especially because God is on your side! Look at what He has helped you through already in your life. You can do this. He has not and will not leave you alone.

The trials you are experiencing are temporary, and there is always joy, love, and happiness to be found, even in the middle of trials. These challenges are making you into the person God needs you to be. They are making you even stronger and more amazing than you already are. These difficulties will not defeat you. You do not give up.

You have great things to accomplish in life. You have so much happiness ahead. You have so much to contribute to the world and those around you. Don't allow the pain and struggle of the moment make you forget who you are, and the great worth you have. You are incredible! You are strong, and you are mighty. The Lord is on your side, and you can trust Him implicitly. Great and wonderful things are in store for you. 


No matter how alone, lost, sad, discouraged, or unimportant you feel, you are not alone. You are not lost. You are important--to God, and to so many people. You can and you will get through this. 

So, there you have it. I felt a lot better after, and it reinforced for me the power of our own thoughts. I hope that today's post helps you with whatever trials you are going through right now. You are strong enough, I promise. I don't know what you are going through, but I do know that you are a beautiful, strong, wonderful child of God. Don't allow yourself to think that you can't, because you can. I know it. 

1 comment:

  1. That was beautiful. I also do inner monologues when things are really hard, I actually speak in 3rd person ;). Although, I usually only speak a few sentences. I loved your words and especially how thorough you are covering several important aspects of putting one foot in front of the other, even when it is difficult. I especially loved your focus on inner strength, God's love, and the support of those around you (should you be so blessed to have that). Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts during your strong times as well as your times of struggle.
