Thursday, January 29, 2015

I'm Grateful for My Strengths

One day while on my mission, I was pondering on my weaknesses. I felt overwhelmed with the long list of things I just wasn't doing well. For those who have served missions, you know how stressful it can be to constantly feel you are falling short of all you should be doing for the Lord. Even for those who haven't served missions, all of us can relate to the feeling of drowning in our own weaknesses. We can be overwhelmed as a student, a mother, a wife, or an employee.

I fully believe and know through personal experience that weaknesses can be overcome, with help from the Lord, and through our own efforts to improve. But on this particular day, I had an epiphany which was not related to my weaknesses whatsoever. Suddenly, in the midst of my self-inflicted misery, I had this thought: "You need to be grateful for your strengths."

As a person who constantly struggles to dispel the myth of perfectionism, I had never thought to be grateful to God for my strengths. As I started thinking, a long list of personal strengths and gifts came to my mind. I was shocked and humbled to realize I had never prayed and thanked God for my singing voice, my leadership qualities, my beautiful green eyes, or my strong, healthy, beautiful and functioning body. I had never thanked Him for my faith, my testimony, my ability to love, my artistic talents, or any of the hundreds of talents and skills I had.
Fill in your name on the top line. :)

How was it possible that I had always been so focused on overcoming my weaknesses, I had never stopped to be grateful for everything He had blessed me with? So, I made a list of my strengths, and then I said a gratitude prayer, and thanked Him for my strengths, beauty, and talents. I felt so much gratitude and joy at all I had been blessed with, and could consequently use to bless the lives of those around me.

I have another challenge for you on your journey to greater self-love. Write a list, like I did, of your strengths, gifts, and talents. If you have some trouble, ask someone who loves you to help you notice what's beautiful about you! Trust me, there's plenty. If you feel the desire to, say a gratitude prayer, and thank God for all the great and wonderful things about you, and then put the list somewhere you can see it.

One of my favorite quotes, that my mom had posted on our fridge when I was younger.

I was glad to remember this experience this week, when I was feeling, once again, overwhelmed by my weaknesses, and remembering my strengths helped me remember how much God loves me. Don't underestimate the power and beauty you possess, and the impact you can have for good. Embrace your strengths and love yourself, because the greatest being in the universe created you and loves you infinitely, just how you are. 

1 comment:

  1. That quote by Marianne Williamson is AMAZING! It adds a greater depth to your article. Often, when I think about the potential I have I become paralyzed with fear. It makes it easier when we remember that everyone has a great potential as well.

    Thank you Beth!
