Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Purpose of this Blog

I have felt for over a year to share my journey to confidence and self-love, and I've put it off for over a year because I was slightly terrified to do it.

My journey has been long, personal, and difficult, wading through self-doubt, societal beauty expectations, stereotypes, diets, and a pervasive and long-standing belief that I was unlovable, mainly because of my body. While I am still struggling through some of these insecurities, God has helped lift me out of the sludge of my own doubts and fears, and come to a place where I know my worth, I love myself, and I'm not afraid to stand out or take up space in this world.

I know that I'm not the only woman out there who has struggled to love myself--body and soul. I can't even count how many beautiful, incredible women I know and look up to who don't see what I see, and what I know God sees in them. We all have limitless potential, and we all have beauty, inside and out.

What it says on my mirror. :)

The purpose of this blog is to share my journey with others who don't like what they see in the mirror. Every woman deserves to love and honor herself and her body through every stage of life! I hope and pray that through sharing my experiences and insight, I can help even one woman to see more of the bright and beautiful in herself and in the world.


  1. Beth,
    Thank you so much for sharing! I have struggled (and continue to struggle) with similar insecurities. It's always a comfort to read examples of a positive change in one's view of self-worth and love!
    Keep writing!
    -Ashley J.

  2. I know what a beautiful person you are Beth, body and soul, but I also understand your insecurities. I don't think there is a woman alive who has not felt similar feelings. I know I have, all my life. I'm really looking forward to reading your thoughts. Love you!

  3. Every woman struggles with these issues. Every. One. Men do as well. If we are united in anything, it is that.

  4. Thank you all for your comments!
