Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Taking Up Space

Most of my life, I felt like I was taking up too much space. When sitting on a bus, standing in line, walking down a crowded hall at school, I just felt too big. Tall, strong, and curvy were NOT things I appreciated about myself.

"I'm intimidating. I'm too big to be feminine," were daily, toxic thoughts that I had. These thoughts affected my attitude, my posture . . . everything. They kept me from standing out and being who I was capable of being. I felt like something was wrong with me, and that I didn't deserve to occupy the space that I did.

Then, one day, I came across this blog, which changed my whole outlook on life, and spoke to the feminist in me. Why should I have to shrink myself? Why could men take up as much space as they wanted, and I was supposed to vanish into nothingness? Just what was wrong with a tall, strong woman taking up space? That next week, I made an effort to not be afraid of taking up space. It changed how I walked, how I sat, and how I looked at myself in the mirror. Instead of comparing myself unfavorably to people who were shorter or thinner than me, I stopped comparing at all, and just enjoyed my body and the way it filled the spaces I encountered. I started to see beauty in my size and shape, instead of feeling ashamed of what made me unique.

How often do we fear taking up space in other ways, not just physically? Do we not voice our opinions because we don't want to seem bossy, or like a "know it all?" What about in church, or in our jobs, or in our communities? What are we holding back from ourselves and others for fear of standing out, or taking up space?

No matter what size we are, no matter what height, we all deserve to take up space in this world. We all have a purpose, and we all have so much to give and to offer. Don't be afraid to take up space! Fill the world with the amazing things about you, and realize just how beautiful you are, and how much you can contribute. I still have to remind myself often that it is okay that I take up space in the world. In fact, it is something to strive for and be proud of. What do you do to take up space?

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