Thursday, March 5, 2015

Making Up: Facing Reality

I like wearing makeup. I enjoy trying out new colors and styles, and it's a fun way to change up my appearance, and highlight certain features that I enjoy.  In general, I don't think there is anything wrong with makeup. However, just like anything, makeup can be taken too far. Too often makeup becomes means of hiding or covering or changing who we really are. Sometimes it can get to the point where we feel like we can't be seen without makeup... that we are less beautiful, successful, lovable, or worthy when we aren't wearing makeup.

We also have a culture of "makeovers." Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a makeover show as much as the next girl, but too often we associate a new look with new potential, or new worth, when really the potential and worth was there all along. We let our physical insecurities get in the way of doing all that we can and desire to do in life. The beauty industry thrives on women's insecurities. Blemishes, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and freckles are just a few of the hundreds of things the beauty industry tells us we should "fix," through purchasing some product or other. We are taught to notice every single minuscule flaw on our faces, and to hold our own poor face to the standard of airbrushed models on the cover of magazines.

This can be dangerous. Not only are we spending tons of money in pursuit of impossible and unrealistic standards, it further propagates the idea that being natural and makeup free is not acceptable-- that any differences should be hidden, because we "owe" it to the world to put our best face forward, and that can't be done without makeup.

It also keeps women in front of the mirror for countless hours a week, just to get the perfect liquid line. I'm guilty of spending too much time getting ready, to the point where I regularly wind up skipping breakfast, exercise, or sleep in pursuit of getting my makeup just so.

Here's the bottom line: if you enjoy wearing makeup, that's awesome! It can be a fun and empowering way to express yourself. I just hope that you will try going without makeup sometimes. Whenever I do, I'm shocked that first, most people don't even notice. Second, people still like me and still talk to me, and third, that my face is still lovely sans makeup! I don't need makeup to be beautiful, powerful, loved, or successful. Neither do you. My challenge this week is to try going a day without makeup! You may be surprised at how freeing it can be. Fall in love with your face, because makeup or not, you are beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. I loved that video! Beautiful!!!
    Good to see a "silver sister" in there with her lovely gray hair.
