Thursday, April 9, 2015

Celebrate Small Victories

 Celebrate Small Victories! 

This week, I was reminded of the importance of small things. Often I get so caught up in all the things I'm not doing, or should be doing, or want to do, or have to do, that I wind up feeling like an unaccomplished lump. Yes, lump. I'm always grateful for small moments throughout the day that help me remember the good things I'm accomplishing, and also to remember that doing small things that make me feel good, happy, rested, connected to God, or beautiful can make a big difference.

I am going to try to be better at creating and celebrating those moments, because life is short, people. This blog post is also going to be short, because I'm in the throes of finals week, and I got less than four hours of sleep last night. I did, however, go to all my classes today! Huzzah! Small victories!

One other thing that makes me happy is celebrating with other people. I remember in Junior High, when I first entered public school, after announcing a good grade I got on a test, another student said "oh man, I hate you." That seemed super harsh, and also just not a happy way to live. I always try to be happy for other people's happiness.

I love the idea of writing small victories on sticky notes. Because I love sticky notes. 

Body positivity is all about small victories. Our mindset and our outlook changes one thought, one step, one compliment, one day at a time. So give yourself a pat on the back, and don't overlook all the small things you do to make your own life and the lives of others more beautiful! I guarantee you are doing much more than you realize.

And here is a Gandalf quote. Just because. 

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