Thursday, April 2, 2015

What Can My Body DO?

As much as I hope to always portray an attitude of confidence and self-love, I still have bad days. Sometimes when I look in the mirror, the negative voices come back, and I feel unsatisfied with my appearance. Sometimes, when I'm up late at night and obsessing over my body, I'll pin a bunch of weight loss tips on pinterest, only to feel worse afterwards.

I'm guessing many, if not all of you, can relate to this. We all have bad days where we just feel unhappy with our bodies, and therefore feel worthless. Something I try to remember in these times is to focus on what my body can DO, not just on what my body LOOKS like. Think about it. Our body can do absolutely amazing things!

Our bodies are one of our greatest gifts from God. They are beautiful, amazing, marvelous homes for our spirits. I can run, jump, skip, dance (in a manner of speaking), eat, play, sing, talk, sleep, swim, grow, learn, think, hug, smile, laugh, and countless other beautiful and marvelous things. My body enables me to help others, to offer comfort, and one day, hopefully, have a family.

When setting health goals, I always try to have them be focused on health, not appearance. Focus on what you can DO, BE, and BECOME, not how you look to other people. Accepting and loving our bodies is possible for all of us, when we take time to appreciate and honor our body for all it can do. You have so much more to do and be beyond what you look like. 

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